Covid Policy

Our dojo’s policies are regularly and changed assessed based on the current conditions in the Bay Area and dojo safety. As of February 9, 2023:

  • Masks will no longer be mandated during practice though dojo members are reminded that they are still required at NCKF events and competitions and are of course welcome to continue wearing masks or face shields to their personal comfort levels
  • We will no longer be instituting a healthcheck questionnaire before each keiko as the efficacy of contact tracing has decreased with other institutions opening up
  • If a member tests positive for covid, and they attended keiko in the 5 days before their positive test result, they must notify Dojo leadership, and are asked to suspend attending keiko for 10 days
  • All dojo members will be notified of the positive test case and if they attended one of the keikos as the member with the positive results they will be asked self-test before returning to practice
  • We encourage all members to be vaccinated and up to date on boosters but will not be checking vaccination/booster status
  • The Dojo's COVID committee will regularly meet to discuss any updates or events which may cause us to reevaluate our policy recommendations including circumstances rises in cases or emergence of a new variant